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Communication &
publication designer.

© isabelle brawley 2024

Body Without Organs Book Design

10 x 15” hardcover book, printed on risograph

A body without organs is an intriguing concept that challenges our traditional understanding of structures and systems. Imagine a dynamic and fluid entity, free from predetermined functions and rigid boundaries. It's like a canvas waiting to be filled with limitless possibilities, where creativity and exploration can take center stage. By shedding the constraints of conventional organization, a body without organs invites us to reimagine the very essence of existence, encouraging a boundless and uncharted journey of self-discovery and expression.
The concept of a Body Without Organs was the starting place for this riso-printed book, which uses imagery of 17th century anatomical wax figures and scans from anatomy textbooks to illustrate the writing of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, who explored the concept and its many manifestations.
    The book’s design was inspired in part by the idea of shedding the constraints of organization and composition, the freedom that comes from this, and also imagining how a book might take on some of the characteristics of the body (without organs) itself.